Auto Stamp is a desktop application that can be used to stamp all documents in a chosen folder, using a chosen stamp image.
- a GUI which enables user to select the stamp image, the folder which contains the documents to be stamped.
- Stamp scaling.
- Auto placement of stamp, it finds a suitable place to put the stamp on.
- Preview panel to help user adjust the scale of the stamp.
Supported document formats:
How to use
This tool is useful when you have large number of documents you need to stamp:
- Place your documents inside a folder.
- Run the AutoStamp tool. You can scale the stamp, the preview button shows how the stamp will look like.
- Wait until all documents are stamped
You can run the application from source, or download it as executable
From source
- Install requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run the app:
- Download the installer.
Download the executable (binary) file. (tested on Ubuntu 16).
There is also a tarball file (tested on Ubuntu 20). You can uncompress, navigate into it, and run the app: